The Next Healthy Choice

The journey towards better health happens by making one healthier choice after another, consistently, over time. This process can be long and sometimes difficult. Often, there are steps forward and steps backward.

In my own experience, I have found that when I would make an “unhealthy” food choice it would often propel me into a downward spiral for weeks. At other times, it would derail my wellness goals until the next fad would come along.  It seemed like my internal self would frequently bait me into eating something detrimental, only to harshly judge me afterwards.

This cycle would happen over and over again, until one day, I had a realization. I was judging who I was, as a person, by my food choices. If I chose to eat an unhealthy food, I would label it as bad. The food choice was bad, and therefore, I was a failure for giving in and consuming it again. This type of thinking only defeated my health goals.

Over time, I figured out that instead of criticizing myself, it would be better if I would just make the next healthy choice. If I decided to eat something that was not beneficial for me, I didn’t need to judge myself. Instead, I would determine to make my next meal or snack a healthier one. Using this principle changed everything for me. In doing this, I was finally free from internal accusation.

Today, I use this phrase often with clients. When they consume an “unhealthy” food, I simply tell them to make the next healthy choice, while reminding them that there is no judgment. It is not a fail because a sweet treat was eaten. It is just one decision of many on the road to wellness.

Interestingly, this principle can be about more than food. It could be that the next healthy choice is getting rest, taking a walk, exercising, or having some prayer time. The point is to be mindful of the choices made along the way, to clue into the body’s needs, and to persevere. These daily choices add up and eventually produce a healthy harvest.

Moving towards better health is a journey, but it won’t happen by accident.  This is accomplished by making one purposeful decision at a time towards a healthier life. This is a practice, which takes time and consistency. No one is perfect – not one. Remember, when a detour happens, just make the next choice a healthier one.

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